Annual Reminder - Snow days
Snow Day at Mapledown School
Almost every pupil at Mapledown is bussed into school on a minibus or taxi. The decision to close the school is made by the headteacher but largely rests with the Transport Department. If they feel that the roads are unsafe or will become unsafe, all school transport is cancelled. In the past, this has happened even when the main public transport system remains open as most people live on side roads which take time to grit and make safe. Once Barnet Transport tell us they are not running school we will text all families with the news that school is closed – usually before 7:30am. Fortunately most years pass without a ‘snow day’ so please be understanding if this happens – better safe than sorry.
It’s really important that the school has your most up to date contact details so if you have a new mobile phone number, email, emergency contact or change of address, a new doctor or ANY other detail please let the office know so we can update our systems. Thanks.