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Student Constitution


I want to go to a school where: 

I feel safe and I am recognised as a unique and special person who is always treated with respect by adults. 

My privacy and dignity are protected and my personal care needs are handled with sensitivity. I am given as much time as I need to do things on my own. If I need help, staff talk through every step of the way.

I am given the opportunity to mobilise or navigate the school as independently as possible  – guide me gently and only hold on to me if I ask for it, or if you really have to in order to keep me safe. 

I am treated like any other young person and given the dignity of challenge – give me options and choices, and time to make those choices. 

My attempts to communicate may need to be guided and shaped so that everyone can understand me – give me some tools. 

I have access to simple and complex technologies that help me say what I want. 

I am listened to – my views matter. 

My behaviour is my attempt to communicate.

My achievements and learning are recognised, shared and celebrated. Make me feel good and be proud of what I can do. 

The day is interesting and varied - lessons are interesting and fun and relate to my special learning needs. 

Staff enjoy being around me – my school feels like a lively, friendly place. 

There is a place I can go to where I can be by myself – sometimes I need space. 

There are lots of good outdoor spaces that are accessible to me. 

I enjoy my meals. 

I can get out and into the community – learning can happen in all sorts of places. 

There are lots of chances to meet and make friends.